Ethanol decreases mileage significantly
My Forester was consistently getting between 26 and 30 mpg (up to 31.68) till around Nov/Dec. Then I saw a lot of Ethanol stickers go up at the gas stations I use. I calculate mileage on every tank and soon discovered that my mileage dropped and I get 22-25 mpg, and as low at 20.4 mpg. Tire pressure is the same, air filter is new, and oil is fresh.So I talked to the gas station owners, Subaru, and did some reading online. Come to find out that a 10% misture of Ethanol drop MPG by 20-35%. Even my Subaru guy said this is consistent across most of the vehicles he sees after Ethanl is added to gas. So the political push/lobby that says using 10% Ethanol drops foreign oil dependence by 10% is completely BSing. In reality, it causes us to import even MORE oil since Ethanol reduces mileage much more than 10%.This Ethanol crap has also raised food prices to the point where people are really being affected- not the ones who make big money but the ones who live from paycheck to paycheck- sad indeed. Anyway, I'm trying to get my mileagae back up and have a solution in play. If it works out, I'll post back here.Norton's comment: I found this to be so for my 1994 Pylmouth Grand Voyager. Mileage went from 22 mpg to 17 mpg this winter using E10 gasoline that is showing up in the Maine market.
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