Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Dollar Reset: Mimic the IMF(International Monetary Fund) SDR Basket of Currencies


Wednesday, April 01, 2020
Currency UnitCurrency amount under Rule O-1Exchange rate 1U.S. dollar equivalentPercent change in exchange rate against U.S. dollar from previous calculation
Chinese yuan1.01747.103700.1432210.075
Japanese yen11.900107.585000.1106100.976
U.K. pound0.0859461.238000.1064010.158
U.S. dollar0.582521.000000.582520
U.S.$1.00 = SDR0.732113 2-0.081 3
SDR1 = US$1.365910 4
Click Here for more detailsMore details....SDR Valuation

The exchange rates for the Japanese yen and the Chinese renminbi are expressed in terms of currency units per U.S. dollar; other rates are expressed as U.S. dollars per currency unit. Chinese renminbi refers to the name of the currency, while Chinese yuan refers to the currency unit. 2.
IMF Rule O-2(a) defines the value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR as the reciprocal of the sum of the equivalents in U.S. dollars of the amounts of the currencies in the SDR basket. Under current IMF procedures, each U.S. dollar equivalent is calculated on the basis of the mid-market rates, as provided to the IMF by the Bank of England, based on spot exchange rates observed at around noon London time (see Bank of England website); the value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is rounded to six significant digits. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the European Central Bank serve as backup providers for these exchange rates.
or further details see Method of Collecting Exchange Rates for the Calculation of the Value of the SDR for the Purposes of Rule O-2(a).

Percent change from previous calculation.
The reciprocal of the value of the U.S dollar in terms of the SDR, rounded to six significant digits.
Related Links
IMF Finances IMF Lending Factsheet Financial Data by Country
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Mike Maloney(Youtube)... by Greg Mannarino, Robinhood of WallStreet
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