Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jim Rogers: How the Federal Reserve Will Fail and the One Sector Every Investor Should Be In

if we don’t have the shock now, the shock’s going to be much worse later on.

What can Bernacke do now besides resign?
Keith Fitz-Gerald
Investment Director
Money Morning Sept 10,,2008
VANCOUVER, B.C. - The U.S. financial crisis has cut so deep - and the government has taken on so much debt in misguided attempts to bail out such companies as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - that even larger financial shocks are still to come, global investing guru Jim Rogers said in an exclusive interview with Money Morning.

Indeed, the U.S. financial debacle is now so ingrained - and a so-called "Super Crash" so likely - that most Americans alive today won’t be around by the time the last of this credit-market mess is finally cleared away - if it ever is, Rogers said.

The end of this crisis "is a long way away," Rogers said. "In fact, it may not be in our lifetimes."

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