Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's the Foreclosures, Stupid (NACA)

Dollars & Sense blog | Dollars & Sense: "It's the Foreclosures, Stupid (NACA)

by Dollars & Sense - Bruce Mark
This is an "action alert" from the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America. The CEO of NACA, Bruce Marks, was on the radio program Here and Now this morning explaining why he opposes a bailout; there appears to be no way to listen to the segment, but they may put up a link to it sometime at the show's site. Hat-tip to John Miller.

There is one reason for the financial crisis – Foreclosures.
There is only one solution – Restructure mortgages to make them affordable.
Who would benefit – Everyone

The above sounds very basic but we are providing One Trillion dollars to bailout major financial institutions and insurers without addressing the underlying cause of the crisis which are the millions of homeowners at-risk of foreclosure. They want to say it is too complicated and throw out terms like CDO, Leverage swaps, and others to justify giving President Bush a blank check. While we have been there, the Congress is getting ready to repeat the disastrous past.

We are now committing hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars to bailout the very institutions who created the crisis. At a minimum lets use some of these funds to get the investors to do what is necessary in making these mortgages affordable. The previous bailouts of Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG have not opened up the credit markets. Despite the huge commitments of taxpayer funds they have accomplished little. In fact, Fannie and Freddie continue to refuse restructuring on affordable terms – having their owners the American people foreclosing on themselves.

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