Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The $600 Trillion Derivatives Market - Newsweek

The $600 Trillion Derivatives Market - Newsweek: "600,000,000,000,000?
It's a number no one questions, but the size of the derivatives market is not as shocking as it looks
If some banks are too big to fail, $600 trillion has become the number too big to question. That's $600,000,000,000,000—the rough figure cited in many news reports for the total size of the derivatives market, now blowing up to such alarming effect. At a time of mind-boggling turmoil on Wall Street, perhaps it's not surprising that few stop to ponder how a market for obscure financial products,...more"

Size of the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
per person: $ 47700
cost per person to keep a prisoner in jail 100,000 dollars for 7.5 million incarcerated!

National debt per person
According to the Debt Clock:
• Total national debt: $13 trillion
• Debt per citizen: $42,026
• Debt per taxpayer: $117,982
• Total interest due: $1.9 trillion
• Interest per citizen: $2,211

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/26/national-debt-clock-tracking-red/#ixzz1EiiOZywm

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