Monday, January 10, 2011

Most people will do nothing..Part I of series by Nortoni

Most People will do Nothing.. This is a quote from  Porter Stansberry in my Subscription letter January 07, 2011

Here is my Story (Norton West) -A Little Family History
As a student of finance and international banking, and one of America's under-employed, I have had the privilege of time to follow economic trends in 2010.  My father made it through the 1929 Crash working for a business that was stable.  His father, my grand father, did NOT make it well through the Crash of 1929.  My grandfather was a peanut broker in Waverly, VA and a local bank director.  He used all his money to payoff the bank depositors.

So, now here I am in 2011 as the great grandson of John Walter West Sr. facing an economic collapse of an even greater magnitude than 1929.  I do NOT want to be caught in the continuing economic and cultural downdraft this time even though it is easy to say most of it is out of my control.

In my recent experience, as Porter Stansberry also expresses, "most people will do nothing" ...when faced with this economic disaster.  Why do they do nothing?

Here is my take on it and my journey to find an answer, to take control, to keep informed, get educated, take personal action and offer an avenue for others to take control of their financial and personal future.

1. Most families, couples or single parents are running so fast, working multiple jobs, getting educated, paying off debt, finding time to rest, taking care of kids, maintaining a home...........they are exhausted before the day ends and just happy to have a roof over their head and a bed to sleep on. Then they start all over the next day.

2. This information only highlights one more thing out of their control.  It is too depressing to consider.  They just need to focus on one day at a time.

3. They have not been educated in economic, personal finance, central banking, global economics or debt management.  They are just over-whelmed with what they already have on their plate.  Let someone else deal with these matters.

4. Over 50% of fathers are absent. Single mom homes are for the most part not making it and the absence of a father can NOT be filled by an overworked mom and kids that are never home with their parents for valuable functional family time!

5. Powerful marketing forces have shaped our view of ourselves, what we consider our rights, our picture of the American dream and how we get there.  This largely deceptive, manipulation of our view of reality, self, position in the community and abilities to change things derives from the research and practice of psychology based on Sigmund Freud.  Watch the BBC special titled "The Century of Self" if you are interested.

Ok, OK, that is enough!  I could go on but I know your time is precious.

The point is our Democracy has been hijacked

by big corporate interests, secret power brokers, and subsequently a mass marketing system of ideas and products that do NOT sustain the original concept of representative democracy.  The foundation of our democracy was based on broad participation of an educated, participative citizenry and a dynamic economic environment for the middle class to grow and improve itself.  Additionally, it is based on a representative democracy.  That is, the elected legislators are responsive, accessible and available to their constituency. It is based on an educated, critical thinking, independent thinking, well educated citizenry.  THIS IS NOT WHAT WE HAVE NOW! Our social institutions have been privatized and serve the directors and stockholders, NOT the citizenry! Such as, healthcare, prison system, the military....the result is we cannot find the people in charge. If we can, they will not answer the phone. All we get is a recording and no callback!  In the meantime our government is giving away trillions of our tax dollars to the very power brokers that have caused the collapse in the first place.

So if you are ready to stop reading and just bank on this crisis passing

......then as a friend, colleague or family member do yourself a favor.  Be just a little curious.  I have a plan for us all to take charge of our future but please answer the following CRITICAL QUESTIONS put forward by Porter Stansberry first:
      ·        How high will gold have to get before you think something is seriously wrong? 
·        How high will silver have to get? 
·        How many banks will the FDIC have to close before you consider the dollar to be unsafe? 
·        How many municipalities will have to go under before you think there's a crisis?
·        How European states will have to leave the euro before you begin to doubt the stability of the world's paper currencies? 
·        How high will agriculture prices have to go before you see that a global food panic is underway?

            I (Porter) suggest you write down the answers to these questions now. Because almost no matter what you answered, you'll get to that point soon…..

Norton's comment: Then if you are still curious and willing to consider that the givens and assumptions we grew up thinking are NOT in effect today but we can adapt and my PART II  of this posting.

Best regards,
Nortoni West

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