Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Corn Ethanol Folly! Big Agri ripe off

Jesse's Café Américain June 24, 2008
Life is a School of Probability - Walter Bagehot

"The scientific problem with corn ethanol is that it contains one-third less energy than gasoline.(Norton's comment: you will pay more for the gas and get LOWER miles per gallon!) So a motorist has to purchase one-third more fuel to go the same distance. If you total up all of the fossil fuel that goes into making and transporting ethanol -- nitrogen-based fertilizer and herbicides, fuel to run farm machinery and delivery trucks, natural gas for the distilling process at ethanol plants -- it takes more energy to produce ethanol than the fuel provides."

What is the point of ethanol? Doesn't make sense?
Follow the money to Big Agriculture, a few powerful corporations with armies of lobbyists.

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