Thursday, May 1, 2008

STOCK MARKET - WATCH OUT! On The Eve of Destruction

2005: - Converging U.S. Navy aircraft carrier groups in Middle East send strong message to Iran and Syria: "...It seems that Americans are preparing to deal with Syria and Iran in the next several months. The first priority right now is diplomacy in association with the Europeans and the rest of the world. But the leadership in Teheran and Damascus are taking notice of the power build up in the region..."

2008 April 30 2008 Investor's Daily:Mideast: As Iran's role in Iraq becomes clearer, the Pentagon studies attack options. Meantime, the CIA reveals Syria was close to nuclear weapons capability last year. Is the next stage of the global war on terror imminent?....Tehran reportedly is installing 6,000 centrifuges at its enrichment facility in Natanz. They may be advanced IR-3 centrifuges with the ability to enrich uranium two or three times as fast as the machinery Iran has used so far. It takes 3,000 ordinary centrifuges one year to produce the material needed for an atomic bomb, so the clock is ticking down....The risks of pre-emptive attack may be daunting.

But President Bush can't kick this can down the road to his successor, especially if that successor is one of the two Democratic candidates resolved to surrender in the Middle East.

The free world cannot be daunted in preventing the clear and present danger of nuclear terrorism. That means acting, and soon."

Norton's comment: If Bush is intent on carrying this out before the end of his administration, then it will have a major effect on the World's tender economic status: resources war, stock markets volatility, economic name it. All bets are off on existing market forecasts.

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