Sunday, April 13, 2008

Global Economics-End of FED?

End of the Federal Reserve?

Fitz-Gerald: My take is that former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan and current Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke may go down as the worst central bank chairmen in history. Do you see it differently?
Rogers: [Bernanke] and Greenspan together will probably bring [about] the end of the Federal Reserve. We've had two central banks in America that failed. This third central bank will probably fail, too, because of Bernanke and Greenspan.

The Federal Reserve last week put $200 billion more onto its balance sheet of mortgages. Now I don't know how big they can expand their balance sheet, but if they keep doing it, there's only so much - [and] they just bought Bear Stearns
Jim Rogers Discusses The Global Economy – Part I
Written by Keith Fitz-Gerald April 09, 2008 10:57 AM EST

This is the first installment of a two-part story based on Investing Director Keith Fitz-Gerald's interview with investing guru Jim Rogers. In the second installment, Fitz-Gerald will explore China's potential, the energy sector and the Middle East, and the global commodities boom.

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