It’s All Connected: An Overview of the Euro Crisis
Here is a visual guide to the crisis......more
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The following transcript comes from a recent interview with Nicole Foss covering a wide range of practical steps and considerations for maintaining a fully or partially-sustainable home. The full audio interview can be accessed here.
Jim Puplava: Joining me on the program is Nicole Foss from the Automatic Earth and Nicole you recently did a video and it is called How I Prepared My Family for Peak Oil. I thought we would start our discussion today because I think one of the factors that we are starting to see right now, with oil prices at $90 in a weak recession along with high unemployment, is we are starting to see the effects of peak oil because you kind of wonder why we are at close to $90 given such weakness. Now some may say that is speculation but, putting that aside for now, I would like to talk about what you did to prepare your family. Now as I understand it Nicole, you sold your house in England in the 1990’s and you bought a farm in Ontario and lets talk about what you did as you discovered peak oil to get your family and prepare for it, what did you do first?..."
"But what is liberty without wisdom, and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint."GroupOn = LinkedIn?
Edmund Burke