Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hyperinflation Special Report - shadow statistics

UPDATE — COMMENTARY - Hyperinflation Special Report - June 2nd, 2008

"Have you ever wondered why the CPI, GDP and employment numbers run counter to your personal and business experiences? The problem lies in biased and often-manipulated government reporting. ...
How has the hyperinflation outlook changed since the Hyperinflation Special Report was published in April 2008?" Such is the most frequently asked question I receive these days.
The answer is that the outlook is little changed, since the following report outlines the basic issues and limited options for the U.S. government that were in play well before the current crises broke. The actions taken since by the federal government, U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve, in response to the still-deepening recession and ongoing systemic solvency woes, just exacerbated the long-range problems described in the report. The official actions likely have advanced the timing of the hyperinflation to the much nearer future, perhaps within the next year or two. Since September 2008, the Federal Reserve has been attempting to debase the U.S. dollar at an extraordinary pace, and such now is recognized widely among the major U.S. trading partners.
The current issues are discussed regularly and those analyses are available to subscribers in the Shadow Government Newsletter and related Flash Updates and Alerts. An updated Hyperinflation Special Report should be posted in the next several months....Printer Friendly (PDF) Version

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